As part of the introductory offer, Hotstar is offering the All Sports Subscription at Rs 299/year. The new package comes close on the heels of upcoming 2018 IPL league that will be telecasted for the next two months. So with this package, users will be able to view all the Star Sports licensed channels including Formula 1, Cricket and Tennis. At Rs 25/month, the Hotstar Sports package seems like a great deal. On the contrary, this also tells us that a major chunk of the Rs 199/month subscription fee is spent towards non-sports content. Since Star India has rights for most of the popular sporting events, the pack is definitely worth its salt. As far as cricket is concerned, the Hotstar Sports subscription will also cover the upcoming Asia Cup 2018 and thankfully, Star owns the broadcasting license till 2023. Football leagues include English Premier League, Bundesliga, Indian Super League and iLeague. Tennis coverage includes Wimbledon, French Open, and the US Open. Other than that the package will include Pro Kabaddi, Formula 1 and Badminton World Championship. It is also worth mentioning that Sony owns the license for 2018 FIFA World Cup and this is one major event that won’t be covered by the Hotstar sports subscription. All said and done, the Hotstar All Sports is a sweet deal for major sporting events.

Hotstar Launches All Sports Subscription at Rs 299 Year - 25Hotstar Launches All Sports Subscription at Rs 299 Year - 91Hotstar Launches All Sports Subscription at Rs 299 Year - 95Hotstar Launches All Sports Subscription at Rs 299 Year - 84Hotstar Launches All Sports Subscription at Rs 299 Year - 21Hotstar Launches All Sports Subscription at Rs 299 Year - 54