The Surface Duo follows a similar design language as the Surface Neo laptop, which the company also announced today at the event. It has two 5.6-inch (8.3-inches combined) displays, which, when opened up, act as a 2-in-1 tablet, and can rotate 360-degrees to allow you to perform other tasks. The second display can either be used to run two apps simultaneously or as a keyboard (with an app open on the other). At its core, the device runs on a Snapdragon 855 processor and has Android OS running on top. Microsoft has partnered with Google to bring Android support on the Duo, and it says, with the device running Android, it will support every single app in the Android ecosystem.

Surface Duo: Pricing and Availability

The presentation on the Surface Duo was more like an early preview of the device, and it won’t be until the year 2020 that the device would roll out to the public. Developing…

Microsoft unveils Surface Duo  a Foldable Phone running Android - 46Microsoft unveils Surface Duo  a Foldable Phone running Android - 11Microsoft unveils Surface Duo  a Foldable Phone running Android - 21Microsoft unveils Surface Duo  a Foldable Phone running Android - 41Microsoft unveils Surface Duo  a Foldable Phone running Android - 24Microsoft unveils Surface Duo  a Foldable Phone running Android - 89