As per the product listing page which has went live on the Indian Play store, the 16GB version of Nexus 5 will cost Rs.28,999, while the 32GB will cost Rs.32,999. These prices are little more than what we had seen with Nexus 4 earlier this year. But that’s understandable as rupee has greatly lost value against USD in recent months. Both the 16GB and 32GB models will come in two colors: Black and White. It’s interesting to note that Google is bringing a Nexus device directly for the first time. Previously, it was always the OEMs (LG/Samsung/Asus) which were bringing the Nexus devices in India. Sadly, it’s not clear as to why Google hasn’t announced the launch date for Nexus 5, specially since they have announced the prices as well. This is what Sundar Pichai mentioned in the blog post: And he specifies that the launch is timed well for the holiday season. It’s important to note that Diwali is probably the biggest festival in India, and it’s coming right up on November 3rd. Don’t be surprised if Google throw open the order page in a day or two. Update: As per the specs released, the India (Asian) model won’t be supporting the TD-LTE 40 band, which means we can’t expect Nexus 5 to support LTE in India on the upcoming Airtel/RIL networks. FYI, both iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c will support TD-LTE 40 in India.

Nexus 5 is Coming to India  16GB for Rs 28999 and 32GB for Rs 32 999 - 23Nexus 5 is Coming to India  16GB for Rs 28999 and 32GB for Rs 32 999 - 73Nexus 5 is Coming to India  16GB for Rs 28999 and 32GB for Rs 32 999 - 75Nexus 5 is Coming to India  16GB for Rs 28999 and 32GB for Rs 32 999 - 26Nexus 5 is Coming to India  16GB for Rs 28999 and 32GB for Rs 32 999 - 96Nexus 5 is Coming to India  16GB for Rs 28999 and 32GB for Rs 32 999 - 48