As for the specifications, the Nubia Red Magic comes powered with last year’s Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor, 8GB of RAM, 128GB of internal storage, and a 3,800mAh battery. On the front, there’s a 6-inch Full HD+ screen with an aspect ratio of 18:9. Like the Black Shark, the Red Magic also has a dedicated hardware key for enabling a high-performance mode. The rear, in addition to the fingerprint sensor, also houses a 24-megapixel f/1.7 snapper. For selfies, you have a f/2.0 8-megapixel lens. Of course, there’s also an entirely custom cooling system as well. Nubia says the Red Magic comes with an “air convection cooling system that dissipates heat effectively across its diamond-cut design without compromising on performance.” It runs on Android 8.1 Oreo out of the box and features a USB Type-C port. The Red Magic also retains the headphone jack and is compatible with two SIM cards too.

Nubia Red Magic Specifications

Dimensions: mm; Weight: 185g Qualcomm Snapdragon 835, 8GB RAM, 128GB storage, Adreno 540 3,800mAh battery USB Type-C, Fingerprint Sensor Dual SIM, Bluetooth 5.0 Android 8.1 Oreo 5.99-inch Full HD+ (1080 x 2160 pixels), 18:9 aspect ratio Rear Camera: 24-megapixel, f/1.7, 4K resolution at 30fps Front Camera: 8-megapixel, f/2.0, 1080p resolution at 30fps Nubia Red Magic Gaming Phone Arrives in India for Rs 29 999 - 4Nubia Red Magic Gaming Phone Arrives in India for Rs 29 999 - 19Nubia Red Magic Gaming Phone Arrives in India for Rs 29 999 - 65Nubia Red Magic Gaming Phone Arrives in India for Rs 29 999 - 45Nubia Red Magic Gaming Phone Arrives in India for Rs 29 999 - 13Nubia Red Magic Gaming Phone Arrives in India for Rs 29 999 - 28