Although the company hasn’t announced the pricing of Mi 4 in India, we expect it to price the smartphone anywhere between Rs.17,000 and Rs.20,000. The Mi 4 is currently priced at ¥1999 which is around Rs.20,000, and the new Mi Note which comes with a bigger display, better camera and Dual 4G connectivity, starts at ¥2299 while the Mi Note Pro starts at ¥3299. Looking at the way Xiaomi is segmenting its products, we won’t be surprised if it drops the price of Mi 4 to something like ¥1799 in China, and possibly launch it at the same price (Rs.17,999) or lesser in India. The Mi 4 comes with a 5-inch Full HD display and is powered by a 2.5GHz quad-core Snapdragon 801 processor and 3GB of RAM. The rear camera is a 13MP affair with Sony IMX214 f/1.8 sensor. Front facing camera is an 8 MegaPixel Sony CMOS sensor with Auto-focus.

Xiaomi Mi 4 Specifications

5-inch Full HD 1080 Display 2.5GHz quad-core Snapdragon 801 Processor Adreno 330 GPU 3GB LP-DDR3 RAM 16/64GB eMMC 5.0 internal storage Android 4.4 KitKat with MIUI v6 13 MP rear camera with f/1.8 8 MP front camera with Sony CMOS sensor 3,080 mAh Li-Ion battery Wifi 802.11 b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth 4.0 LE TD-LTE support IR Blaster

The Mi 4 takes on the OnePlus One which carries similar hardware specs as well. The OnePlus One went on sale last month in India at Rs.21,999 for the 64GB variant. The Mi 4 comes in two variants – 16GB and 64GB. It remains to be seen if Xiaomi brings both the variants to India, or only one of them. For reference, when Xiaomi launched the Mi 3, they brought only the 16GB version, but not the 64GB. But Hugo Barra had previously indicated the company’s plans to bring the 64GB LTE version to India.

Xiaomi to Launch the Mi 4 in India on January 28th - 55Xiaomi to Launch the Mi 4 in India on January 28th - 27Xiaomi to Launch the Mi 4 in India on January 28th - 49Xiaomi to Launch the Mi 4 in India on January 28th - 29Xiaomi to Launch the Mi 4 in India on January 28th - 20Xiaomi to Launch the Mi 4 in India on January 28th - 51